“The SD Link Wednesday night net meets at 9 pm Central, 8 pm Mountain time. The purpose of the net is for emergency preparedness, handling of traffic, making amateur related announcements and operational testing of the SD-Link system. All licensed hams are encouraged to check in, it’s a good way to test your rig, gain experience checking into nets and hearing hams from across the state. If you would like to volunteer to call the net, please reach out on the Wednesday night net and let the NCS (Net Control Station) know, it’s good experience and it’s a lot of fun talking to everyone that checks in!”
The South Dakota Amateur Radio Council (SDARC) owns and operates the SD-Link. SDARC is registered as a non-profit corporation in the State of South Dakota under SDCL 47-22. SDARC also has 501(C) (3) status under the Internal Revenue Code and is treated as a public charity. Contributions to SDARC are charitable tax deductions. -